
How to Start an Oil Rig Pressure Washing Company

2 min read

Many people think of pressure washing as something that they use to maintain clean and tidy homes, but suffice it to say that this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as the larger industry is concerned. While residential pressure washing gigs bring in tens of millions of dollars a year, the industry itself is worth several billion dollars. Since residential cleaning only generates a fraction of this revenue, where does the rest of it even come from?

To put it plainly, the oil industry is one of the biggest patrons of professional power washing houston once all has been said and is now out of the way. The reason behind this is that their oil rigs can get tremendously greasy due to the chemical nature of the raw commodity that they are extracting from deep within the earth’s crust. The problem is, greasiness can make oil rigs less effective than might have been the case otherwise. Hence, it makes a lot of sense that the companies that extract oil will want to invest so much in oil rig pressure washing.

Pressure Washing

You can become immensely wealthy if you start a service that can offer such things to oil barons and oligarchs. The first step to starting this business is to satisfy enough residential clients, then move on to commercial clients and eventually apply for a license that makes you a more suitable candidate for multi billion dollar oil magnates. These companies won’t just hire anyone after all, so you need to work your way up the ladder in order to justify them hiring you without having to ask for any favors or hand outs.


Things To Know About Close Protection Services.

2 min read

A Close Protection Specialist is someone who’s specialized in protecting a person that you want to keep far away from danger. A primary task of these people is to ensure the safety of their clients at all times, and they do this by providing that they are always aware of the surroundings of their clients. They also make sure that their client is physically safe. When the need arises, they also take appropriate strict measures, ranging from placing them under surveillance to moving them to another location or even removing them from a dangerous area.


When someone like you is in a dangerous place, you are already at high risk of being hit with several things that could harm you. The close protection specialist acts as the buffer between you and danger. Good close protection London specialists are the ones that can offer you the utmost security. An excellent close protection specialist should be able to provide you with peace of mind and make you feel safe.

London bodyguard services


Once a close protection specialist is hired by your company, he will be assigned to protect a client or person who can be present in many locations simultaneously. The client or person your company will protect should not be allowed to stop anywhere without any form of security. In addition, he should also have a network of people who can provide him with first aid should something happen to him while he’s out.


The Close Protection Specialist is directly responsible for protecting their client. If they fail to do this, they could end up in extreme trouble and may even risk losing their job and being charged as an accomplice if something happens to the client they are meant to protect. This high-risk nature of work requires them to keep track of everything happening around their clients at all times. They should also give updates on what’s happening in their area so that an emergency team from another location can help if needed. They are also required to take appropriate measures whenever a situation escalates. They can only do this if they have enough information beforehand. For instance, a close protection specialist who was tasked with protecting his client from being abducted might use whatever information he has about his location, which includes knowing how many people are around him, where they are and whether they are armed or not.